Dolphin Insurance and Reinsurance Company Limited

Our Services

Liability insurance safeguards you from financial loss if someone sues you for causing bodily injury or property damage. It covers legal costs and any awarded damages, providing essential protection for individuals and businesses in case of accidents or negligence claims.

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (D&O) protects individuals from personal financial loss if they are sued for their actions as company directors or officers. It covers legal fees and settlements, shielding them from the potentially devastating costs of defending against lawsuits arising from their roles.

Professional indemnity insurance protects professionals and businesses from financial losses due to claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in their services. It covers legal costs and potential damages if a client alleges that the professional’s work caused financial harm or reputational damage.

Aviation insurance safeguards aircraft owners and operators against financial losses due to accidents, damages, and legal liabilities arising from aircraft operation. It covers a range of risks, including physical damage to the aircraft, injuries to passengers, property damage, and third-party claims.

Oil and gas insurance is a specialized coverage protecting the industry’s unique risks, including property damage to rigs and equipment, liability for accidents, environmental hazards, business interruptions, and transportation risks. It’s tailored to the complex operations of exploration, drilling, production, refining, and distribution.

Life insurance is a financial contract where you pay regular premiums to an insurance company in exchange for a guaranteed sum of money (death benefit) paid to your beneficiaries upon your death. It provides financial security for loved ones after you’re gone, helping them cover expenses like funeral costs, debts, and ongoing living costs.

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