The services below are eligible to change, meaning for some reason or the other, we can modify or update our website content at will. Please, be advised to keep checking our website for updates at least monthly. Welcome once again! Feel at home. You are covered.

Dolphin Insurance and Reinsurance Company is a national company. It was founded based on providing high-quality services. We have a professional team with high academic qualifications and experience in the insurance field of which most of the team members have been working with insurance companies for many years.

Our mission is to build relationships with our beloved customers and clients and to provide exceptional services to our customers and clients.

We provide the best services by pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology solutions and tools.

To maintain our position as the market leader in the insurance market.

To be a well-known and reputable

To be the best public company ever founded

Any person from birth to seventy
(65) years can join the scheme. Existing members can remain in the scheme until
they attain 70 years of age.

Dependents include spouse, own children,
legally adopted foster children from birth to 21 years old. Children above 21
up to 25 years (at school). And any other dependents that the organization
deems fit.

1. Fire & Special Perils Insurance.
Summary Of Cover:
Loss of or Damage to Property resulting from Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Earthquake Fire & Shock and Volcanic Eruption, Bush Fire, Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage and Special Perils.
For us to quote would require the following: –
1. Current reinstatement value of buildings
2. Contents’ value
3. Plant, machinery or equipment replacement cost
4. Value of furniture, fixtures and fittings

2. Burglary Insurance

Summary Of Cover:
Indemnity against loss of or damage to property resulting from
theft Involving actual forcible Entry to or exit from the premises.
We require the following details to enable us quote: –
1. Contents’ value
2. Plant, machinery or equipment replacement cost
3. Value of furniture, fixtures and fittings.

3. All Risks Insurance
Summary Of Cover:
Indemnity against loss of or damage to the specified property as a result of any cause not excluded by the policy. It combines perils covered under Fire and Burglary policies with accidental damage and simple theft (larceny).
We require the following details to enable us quote: –
Value of delicate, easily lost or damaged items such as:-
1. Laptops, Desk tops computer
2. Office equipment – copiers, fax machines etc
3. Mobile phones
4. Any other equipment used outside office like cameras, projectors.

4. Office Compact (Combined Office Policy for Professional and Commercial Tenants)
Loss of or damage to the contents contained in the Premises including Tenants’ Fixtures and Fittings caused by
❖ Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Thunderbolt or Subterranean Fire
❖ Bursting or overflowing of water tanks
❖ Theft accompanied by actual forcible and violent entry into or exit from the Premises or any attempt thereat.
❖ Aircraft and/or aerial devices and/or articles dropped therefrom
❖ Riots, Strikes, Lockouts or labour Disturbances or persons of malicious intent.
❖ Storm, Tempest, Hurricane, Cyclone, Tornado
❖ Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption.
❖ Impact with Road moving Vehicle, Horse or cattle not belonging to or under the control of the Insured or any Employee of the Insured.
❖ Floods
For us to quote would require the following: –
1. Laptops, Desk tops computer
2. Office equipment – copiers, fax machines etc
3. Mobile phones
4. Any other equipment used outside office like cameras, projectors.

5. Public Liability Insurance

Summary Of Cover:

Legal liability in respect of accidental death, bodily injury/illness or loss or damage to property of third parties including legal expenses.
Anywhere in South Sudan including Work away risks from premises
Limits of indemnity : Any One Claim any one Period
General Liability –
Food & Drink – –
For us to quote, we would require: –
1. The limits of liability
2. Annual turnover.

6. Group Personal Accident Insurance (GPA)

Summary of Cover: Payment of benefits as defined as a result of accidental death or bodily injury to the insured person(s) including riot, strike & malicious damage but excluding war, civil war & kindred risks.
PERSONs INSURED: Employees to be covered as described by insured.

No. Years’ Earnings
Permanent Total Disablement (Continental Scale)

No. Years’ Earnings or percentage thereof
Temporary Total Disablement

Actual Weekly Earnings up to 104 Weeks
Medical Expenses

$ or SSP
NB: We require the description of the employees, their number and the estimated Annual Salaries to enable us quote. We also require the highest and the lowest salaries.

7- Employer’s Liability Insurance

Summary Of Cover: Indemnity for Legal Liability to employers under Common Law for acts of negligence resulting in injury, death or disease to an employee arising out of and in the course of his/her employment with the Insured/ Employer.
SCHEDULE OF EMPLOYEES: -A-Number of Employees
B-Estimated Annual Earnings ($).

8. Goods in Transit (Git)/Marine Insurance

Loss or damage to goods while in transit either on road risks or on all risk’s bases.
We require: –
❖ Limit any one transit,
❖ Limit any one period of insurance,
❖ Estimated annual carry,
❖ The nature of goods to be carried,
❖ Whether you use your own vehicles or you hire
❖ Description of the carrying vessel, like air, sea, road or rail.
❖ The point commencement of transport and the final destination.

9. Money Insurance (Cash)
This policy covers Money in various respects like: –
❖ Cash in transit to and from Bank/ Central Bank of South Sudan
❖ Cash in premises (Safe, strong rooms and vaults) during / outside business hours
❖ Cash in the hands of cashiers/authorized staffs
❖ Damages to safe/ strong rooms
❖ Damages to ATMS
❖ Cover for cash in ATM machines.

10. Motor Insurance
Summary Of Cover:
Indemnity against loss of or damage to motor vehicles and legal liability to third parties arising out of use of such vehicles or third-party liabilities only where cover is third party only (T.P.O)
Type of Cover
❖ Comprehensive (that include or excludes damage by landmines) –Covers damage to the vehicle, theft, fire risks and third party liabilities.
❖ Third Party Only (TPO)-Covers third party liabilities only arising out of use of the vehicle(s)
To enable us quote:
Kindly let us have: –
The schedule of motor vehicles owned indicating description of body & type, value, year of manufacture, current market value (for comprehensive insurance) and usage of vehicle.

11-Political Violence & Terrorism (PVT)
Summary Of Cover:

Loss of or Damage to Property as resulting of Terrorism,
Sabotage. Mutiny, Insurrection, Rebellion, or Coup
d’Etat. Strike, Riot or Civil Commotion
Major Exclusion:
❖ Excess: 10% of Sum Insured Minimum.
❖ Civil War, War, Unexplained damage, mysterious disappearance Burglary, robbery or other theft or larceny.

12- Travel Insurance
Summary of Cover:

Covers emergency medical expenses, follow up treatment, journey cancellation, travel delay, loss of luggage, Personal liability, personal accident amongst others.
This cover is ideal for travelling directors and senior employees and can be taken either per trip or annual covers for those who travel often.

13-Max Pac (Personal Accident cover)
The Insurance provides covers in the event you sustain Injury or Die as a result of an accident.
The Insurance covers all sorts of accident and is also 24 hours cover
❖ Accidental death.
❖ Permanent Disability as a result of the accident (the extent of disability will be determined by the Doctor)
❖ Cash payment up to the provided limits upon admission to the Hospital
❖ Temporary Total Disability resulting in loss of income maximum 2 years.
❖ Medical expense as a result of an accident
❖ Purchase of artificial such as clutches
❖ Payment of a financial benefits for purpose of organizing funeral expense.

14. Industrial All Risks (IAR)
Industrial All Risks (IAR) covers accidental loss or damage to insured property at the location specified in the policy. The cover provided is against all perils other than those specifically listed under Excluded Perils.
The policy covers damage to the stock of products, building and properties inside from natural perils such as
❖ Flood,
❖ Windstorm,
❖ Tsunami,
❖ Hail, other perils such as
❖ Fire,
❖ Lightning,
❖ Explosion,
❖ Collision with other vehicles,
❖ Burglary with forcible entry trace,
❖ Robbery,
❖ Gang robbery and accidents.
This is a single policy which covers loss or damage to property and loss of income or profits caused by interruption in consequence of an indemnifiable material damage loss.

15. Contractors All Risks.
Contractor’s All Risk Insurance offers comprehensive and adequate protection against loss or damage in respect of contract works, construction plant and equipment and/ or construction machinery, as well as third party claims in respect of property damage or bodily injury arising in connection with the execution of a civil engineering project.
Contract works section which provides cover for the value of the materials and property being used on a project (e.g., new house, etc.). However, where there is an existing property (e.g., the existing structure when building an extension), cover for the existing property is excluded and must continue to be insured under its own insurance cover.

Below are the main points of coverage
➢ Construction plant and equipment
➢ Construction machinery
➢ Third party claims in respect of property damage or bodily injury
CAR is a Policy that covers all risks associated normally with a construction project. Issued commonly under the joint names of a contractor and a principal (client
Covered Risks:
• Contractor’s All Risk provides ‘all risk’ cover unless the hazard is specifically excluded.
• It covers the risk of fire, lightning, explosion, flood, inundation, rain, snow, earthquake, theft, burglary.
Scope: It is an all-risks policy covering loss or damage to the property by any cause other than those excluded. In particular the cover includes-
– Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft damage
– Riot, strike, malicious act
– Flood, inundation, storm, cyclone and allied perils
Landslide, subsidence and rockslide
– Burglary and theft
– Faults in erection
– Human errors, negligence
– Short circuiting, arcing, excess voltage
– Electrical and mechanical breakdown
– Collapse, damage due to foreign objects, impact damages
We thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to being of service to your establishment.